Hammersmith Head Results

Feb 18, 2024

The Hammersmith Head had to be rowed under a yellow PLA flag on Sunday so the Junior 14 and Junior 15 crews were not allowed to take part, however some fast times were recorded with the London RC Open Championship crew completing the course in 9 min. 38.6 sec. Our two masters crews had mixed fortunes: the Masters F “Barflies” started four ahead of the Masters H “Supervets”, but the older crew managed to overtake the “youngsters” with about 40 strokes to go. The ‘H’ crew completed the course in 11 min.29.8 sec. while the ‘F’ crew clocked 12 min. 45.2 sec. On handicap the ‘H’ crew’s time was adjusted to 10 min. 48.8 sec. (41 seconds handicap) which handed them the F/G/H pennant.

The names of our pennant winners may be found at ../results/wins.php?ref=2024-02-18.

The full results may be found at https://www.hammersmithhead.com/_files/ugd/c62524_d7962aa7f47d48ee8899238472c4f372.pdf

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